Support JunkFood

Thank you for supporting JunkFood – every penny counts.

The funds collected go directly to cover operating costs associated with cooking food for the street people, including raw materials, packaging, room rent and salaries for permanent staff.

The goal is that all 5,789 of the street people in Denmark must have at least one daily meal. By supporting JunkFood you can make a difference. If you are interested in donating a different amount or helping in another way, you can contact Jeanette K. Duus on 30 34 43 53 or

For DKK 175, you can secure a hot meal for one of the people on the street every day for a week – every penny counts!

If you or your company want to support in another way, please dont hesitate to contact us.

If you are already a monthly sponsor of JunkFood, you are able to change your payment information here.